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Product description:
The curbstone and its end elements are produced with rubber compound with high elasticity. They are resistant to impact and deformations from passing vehicles. They are painted with special yellow cover, which is resistant to aging and atmospheric conditions. Special reflecting (yellow) cover is used on the sides for increasing the visibility of the elements at night. The structure on the bottom side of the curbstones allow the water to drain easily. The Curbstone allows to be mounted not only on a straight area. The fastening to the road is performed with bolts HBR 10-100
Curbstones are designed as road obstacles for temporary organization of traffic, as a separating line in traffic directions, marking zones which shouldn’t be passed, for tracing of temporary traffic areas, for lining the traffic, etc.
Sizes: Rubber curbstone are produced in two main moduls – 10 cm height with optional cilinders and 5 cm height, which can be seen HERE.